Coalition of Free Market Leaders Calls on Congress to Support Yoho’s Z-4-Z Proposal

(Chuck Muth, President, Citizen Outreach) – Led by 60 Plus Association, a coalition of conservative free-market organizations voiced support for a congressional resolution proposed by Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) to level the playing field in the global sugar market.

The coalition argues that adoption of Yoho’s concurrent resolution (HCR 40) would eliminate the U.S. sugar program in return for foreign nations zeroing out government subsidies for their own sugar industries.

“Zero-four-Zero represents true global leadership by the United States,” the coalition wrote in a letter submitted to Members of Congress last week, “and provides much needed stability that protects American farmers, jobs, consumers, and senior citizens.”

The letter is signed by Jim Martin of 60 Plus Association, Chuck Muth of Citizen Outreach, Rick Manning of Americans for Limited Government, Andrew Langer of Institute for Liberty, Matt Kandrach of Consumer Action for a Strong Economy, Tom Giovanetti of the Institute for Policy Innovation, Mario Lopez of the Hispanic Leadership Fund and Seton Motley of Less Government.

You can read the full letter by clicking here.